D E V O T I O N : Dubbed as a "soundtrack to prayer," this latest release sees silverfilter leaving his dance roots to explore the other end of the spectrum... MORE


Do subcribe to the podcasts and videos! Everything's accessed at the OFFICIAL SITE I'll be uploading the latest videos this week!

This week: The day I got my latest album, Devotion and a review of Twitter Clients you can use for the Ipod/Iphone.


You can also visit our shoutbox on the site so you can drop me a line or read some reviews on the latest album!


An 8-track album spanning the various genres silverfilter explores: Techno, House, Ambient, Chillout, Drum and bass , Nu-Skool Breaks, and more.

The album package lets mailing list members in on the fun as we provide you with the cover to print and cut as you DIY your own album cover. Enjoy!



Since I'm pretty busy these days with work and a couple more albums, gigs aren't too many so catch me on:

Sept 18 at Checkpoint bar bicutan for another Electronica Manila Night.

The album launch and tour of Devotion is still in the works.

Released in 2002 featuring the entrancing voice of Imogen Heap and the wicked music production of Guy Sigsworth.

I have high respect for Imogen but I still find her time with Frou Frou as the best. She's gone solo now as herself but I still go back and enjoy listening to Frou Frou than her solo works. It must be Guy's production and music sense paired with Immi's spot on voice which honestly seems like a match made in heaven.

The album features its most well known track, "Breathe In" but I must say that ALL of the tunes on here are worth the listen and I'll be bold to say it's one of the BEST electronic albums of ALL TIME.

My favorite track is Must Be Dreaming. I dunno. It's just something else and I love the "grandness" of the overall sound.

I wanna be like Guy Sigsworth. Seriously.


I've always been a huge fan of Armand Van Helden and have learned a lot production wise. Here's a remix I did in honor of one of his awesome tunes Funk Phenomena. Click the link to download! Enjoy!

Funk Phenomena - silverfilter's Techpunch Mix

Reason Subtractor Fun Trivia:

Did you know that you can unscrew your Subtractor? Just point your cursor on the screw, click, and drag. Enjoy!

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